Fun Times & Miracles
I cannot truly express how happy I (we) are to be home. It is so nice to sleep in my own bed and be surrounded by my family. Going through difficult times sure does make you appreciate the blessings that God has given us. We are finally settling into life back in "the Boro". The weather is great and is giving us a hint that Fall is approaching. This is my favorite time of the year! I love to see the changing leaves, the pumpkins and the cotton growing in the fields. Didn't see many cotton fields in California.
Noah is doing great and is running almost everywhere he goes. This is a new scene for us because he is doing it without loosing his breath. What a miracle. He is a precious boy and we love him so very much. The girls are great too. Olivia has a thriving small business that she is so into at school. She spends most evenings crafting things like bracelets and pot holders. She is having fun and learning some good lessons in the process. Madison is almost finished with her first season of volleyball and has really enjoyed it. She is doing well and is looking forward to playing more in the future. Adam continues to work hard at keeping our family glued together and is doing a great job. I am so happy to have my best friend by my side again.
I am including some pictures of some of the welcome home signs that our good friends in the neighborhood put out for us. They were so great and we really enjoyed them. Our neighbors were a great support for our family. We couldn't have made it through everything without them.
Thanks everyone! We are blessed to know you all.

Last Saturday our family went to Gulfstream for "Family Day". We had a lot of fun eating cotton candy, touring the plant and hanging out with friends. We also went by and saw Adam's grandma. We had a nice visit with her and also saw Adam's aunt.

Last night Noah and I saw down and put together two big necklaces. They were made from the beads that Noah received at the hospital. They have a program called, "Beads of Courage". These beads represent all of the things that Noah had to do in the hospital. For every procedure he had done there was a bead that stood for that procedure. They ranged from heart surgery to blood draw to dressing changes. I am including some photos of Noah and his beads. This is much like getting a trophy when you win a contest. As you can see, Noah has a lot of trophies.

Finally, I want to include two stories about some recent miracles that we have been privileged to hear about. In the last two weeks we know of two ladies who have been fighting cancer for many years. They both had been told that there was nothing else that could be done and basically they were doing everything to make their last days really count. In both cases these God fearing and God believing ladies had many people praying for them. One of the ladies I have known for years and she is the kind of person that lights up a room with her love of the Lord. She is simply amazing. They each had a final scan that showed that their cancer had just disappeared. The doctors told them it was gone. There was no logical reason for it to disappear but it did. This has been a big reminder to all of us that miracles still happen. God, the maker of the Universe as well as each of us on this Earth is in control. I know that our family has learned this through the last couple of months but this is still another example that supports that fact. Now, does this outcome happen to everyone? No, but it does show that miracles are not just something that used to happen but they still happen today. I am so thankful that I belong to God and He loves me. He wants me to know Him up close and personal, not from a distance. I am so thankful for prayer and for the opportunity to pray whenever I want to---in good times and bad.
I want to thank you all for the prayers. They have been needed and still are needed. We love you all and I pray blessings on you and your families!
Noah is doing great and is running almost everywhere he goes. This is a new scene for us because he is doing it without loosing his breath. What a miracle. He is a precious boy and we love him so very much. The girls are great too. Olivia has a thriving small business that she is so into at school. She spends most evenings crafting things like bracelets and pot holders. She is having fun and learning some good lessons in the process. Madison is almost finished with her first season of volleyball and has really enjoyed it. She is doing well and is looking forward to playing more in the future. Adam continues to work hard at keeping our family glued together and is doing a great job. I am so happy to have my best friend by my side again.
I am including some pictures of some of the welcome home signs that our good friends in the neighborhood put out for us. They were so great and we really enjoyed them. Our neighbors were a great support for our family. We couldn't have made it through everything without them.
Thanks everyone! We are blessed to know you all.
Last Saturday our family went to Gulfstream for "Family Day". We had a lot of fun eating cotton candy, touring the plant and hanging out with friends. We also went by and saw Adam's grandma. We had a nice visit with her and also saw Adam's aunt.
Last night Noah and I saw down and put together two big necklaces. They were made from the beads that Noah received at the hospital. They have a program called, "Beads of Courage". These beads represent all of the things that Noah had to do in the hospital. For every procedure he had done there was a bead that stood for that procedure. They ranged from heart surgery to blood draw to dressing changes. I am including some photos of Noah and his beads. This is much like getting a trophy when you win a contest. As you can see, Noah has a lot of trophies.
Finally, I want to include two stories about some recent miracles that we have been privileged to hear about. In the last two weeks we know of two ladies who have been fighting cancer for many years. They both had been told that there was nothing else that could be done and basically they were doing everything to make their last days really count. In both cases these God fearing and God believing ladies had many people praying for them. One of the ladies I have known for years and she is the kind of person that lights up a room with her love of the Lord. She is simply amazing. They each had a final scan that showed that their cancer had just disappeared. The doctors told them it was gone. There was no logical reason for it to disappear but it did. This has been a big reminder to all of us that miracles still happen. God, the maker of the Universe as well as each of us on this Earth is in control. I know that our family has learned this through the last couple of months but this is still another example that supports that fact. Now, does this outcome happen to everyone? No, but it does show that miracles are not just something that used to happen but they still happen today. I am so thankful that I belong to God and He loves me. He wants me to know Him up close and personal, not from a distance. I am so thankful for prayer and for the opportunity to pray whenever I want to---in good times and bad.
I want to thank you all for the prayers. They have been needed and still are needed. We love you all and I pray blessings on you and your families!
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