Bittersweet Weekend
It was a great first weekend back together as a family, but as life often is, also had some bitterness. Today marks a difficult milestone for us - 6 months since an aircraft accident that claimed the lives of 4 great men; Dave, Kent, Reece and Vivan. As we celebrated the joy of our family being reunited, we were still reminded of these families who must wait until Heaven to be reunited with their husbands, fathers, brothers and sons.

We are dedicating today's blog to Vivan LeRoy Ragusa, II; my good friend and Christian brother. I miss him for many reasons, beyond just flying with him and seeing him at work. He was a strong follower of Jesus Christ, and that empowered him to be an impeccable Dad, Husband, and loyal friend.
Vivan also cared deeply for our Noah. His interest was truly genuine. Some of you might remember that Noah's initial diagnosis came with some concern: Dr. Hanley might not be able to take Noah as a patient because of his (older) age. When Vivan heard this, he began calling and emailing friends of his who were surgeons at Johns Hopkins. He had a "second opinion" or "backup option" all lined up for us should San Francisco not be able to take us. So, though Thursday was a joyous day for the Spitlers, we were a bit sad, knowing that Vivan would've loved to see Noah come home from California with a "new heart". We were especially honored that Vivan's wife (of 16 years), Jane, was able to celebrate with us.
Please join us in praying for Jane and their three sons, as well as the families of all lost that tragic morning.
Thank you,

Ps 46:10 "Be still and KNOW that I am God."
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