Fun & Frazzled
Sunday night was fun because my friend Melanie was baking pies and a cake for her daughters birthday on Monday. She is a wonderful baker and makes pies that are to die for. I am including some pictures of Noah helping her make the cake.
Yesterday they also opened up the new playground area here at RMH and Noah was honored to be one of the first kids to play on the new equipment. I will also include a few pictures from that event.
Last night Noah got his first hair cut since his surgery in July. He did a great job of being still and patient. He looked so hansom when the lady was finished. It was such a blessing to have someone come to the RMH and give the kids free haircuts. She did a great job.
Today Noah went to hospital school again. He was reluctant but ended up having a great time. Tonight we had a surprise visit from Uncle Scott. It was so good to see him and we enjoyed our visit. We also played Bingo here at the RMH and won a gift card to Jamba Juice. Noah is so excited about using the card so we may have to do that in the next few days.
Please be in prayer for tomorrow morning. Noah has an Echo at nine o'clock to see what is happening with the vegitation in his heart. I am praying that it has gotten smaller or that it is completely gone. This would be great news.
I don't want to give anyone any false hopes but I (and Adam) are talking to the ID folks, cardiologist here and in Savannah about trying to come home to finish out his antibiotics. I can't say for sure if that is going to happen any time soon but if you all could pray for that it would be great. We so need to be back home and be together as a family again. It has been a long road and we are ready to see each other again. Thank yo all for the prayers and I hope I get to blog from my own home very soon. Blessings to you all!
Noah looks like he was having a good time on the playground .He has gotten so big,and he looks so cute. I love his new haircut and I know he is enjoying himself with all the fun activities he is doing. I hope you and Noah will be closer to home soon. I am so happy to know that Noah is improving each day. I pray his test tomorrow turns out with positive results. Tell Noah hello for me and give him a hug.
Praying you home!
So glad you guys are doing so well. Praying
for your homecoming soon. Love you lots.
Bless you Robin! I continue to pray for you and Noah. The Lord is doing a good work in you. You are such a strong and loving person. Praise God for that strength he fills you with to go another day. Sept 20 th was Barry's BDAY he would have been 41. The girls and I went to the cemetery and took some BDAY balloons and sang happy BDAY to him. Then each one let a balloon go into the sky to send to Barry in heaven. Haleigh watched the balloons until she couldn't see them anymore and then she said to me, "I can't see them you think daddy got them?" You know at that moment I wasn't sad, I had joy in my heart knowing where Barry is at and that one day we will all be together again, and will not have to go through anymore separations. I'm not telling you this to upset you as I have tears now thinking about it, but to be a testimony of how powerful and merciful God is. The peace he fills me with surpasses all understanding and when I have a bad day I look up to him for that reassurance that he will never forsake me. I pray for yalls quick and safe return home. Bless you, Jennifer, Hannah, Haleigh
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