Sadness & Stitches
(I started the following post yesterday but didn't get around to finishing so here we go...)-Today was good but also a little sad. I have to say I was sad this morning without the rest of my family. We had a good time but it is hard to say goodbye. Hopefully it won't be for much longer. Below are some pictures of the kids over the weekend.
When I arrived at the hospital I found Noah laid out on the couch asleep. I was shocked until the nurse told me he woke up very early this morning and began playing. She said, "He was lying there playing his harmonica and then fell asleep. I thought it was so funny. The harmonica was lying next to him on the couch. Below is a picture of the way I found him when I entered the room.
(Today 9-7-11) Noah did well again today. They decided to change the position of his feeding tube and it did not go as planned. They were going to just move it from the intestines up to the stomach and he got sick and the whole thing came out. They were planning on giving him another one and Noah freaked out. We decided we could at least give him a break because it didn't need to be in until the night time anyway. After much discussion we decided to try and give him his meds and feeds orally instead of through a feeding tube. We figure we might as well try and then if it didn't work we could try for the tube again at a later time. I will let you know what the outcome is but in the mean time you all can pray he eats enough as well as keeps it all down so we don't have to get the tube put back in. Noah also had a CT scan today, better known as a "lung profussion" scan. This is routine and will tell them how the blood is flowing through his lungs. Basically they are trying to see if the blood flow is even in both lungs or if one has a higher flow than the other. Earlier this morning they did an Echo-cardiogram to see if there has been any change in the vegitation in his heart. They said that it is the same, no bigger or smaller. When I left tonight he was tired but in good spirits. Blessings to you all! Thanks for your continued prayers.
I was glad to hear Noah got his stitches out and that everything is going well. I pray he will be able to eat and drink,and keep it down. He looks healthy and happy.I know you both will miss Adam and the girls,hopefully it want be too much longer and you all will be back home.Take care and tell Noah hi for me.Tell him I am so proud of him for being such a brave little boy.
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