Journey to China

This blog documents the Spitlers' progress towards the adoption of Xia Ping He (Noah Spitler) from the PR China. It also documents Noah's medical process in pursuit of a total repair to his CHD (congenital heart defect).

Friday, September 2, 2011

Which Floor? Men's Shoes, Ladies handbags...

Today has been so great! We reached many mile stones and I can't wait to tell you all about them. The day started off with Noah taking his first real bath in a bath tub since surgery. It is so great to have a clean boy. Sorry that I will not be including any pictures but Noah had to draw the line on those photos. Ha ha! He then put on his own clothes instead of hospital PJ pants and shirt. He was looking pretty good and more like himself. Since he was taken off of his feeds for the daytime we were then able to visit the library and playroom with nothing but a telebox. It is a box they hook up to him that reads all of his stats such as blood pressure, oxygen sats and heart rate. It was amazing to only carry around this small box that is a little bigger than a walkie talkie instead of dragging around a pole filled with pumps, medication and beeping monitors. We visited the library first where this nice lady, Vivian, helped Noah read, "The Cat in the Hat". What is so neat is the book was written in English and Chinese. Noah read the English part and Vivian, who is Chinese, read the Mandarin part. She made a fun game out of it and seemed to really enjoy it. We are planning on going back tomorrow to finish reading the book. After we left the library we went to the play room where Noah was able to play Donkey Kong on the Wii.
After lunch we got permission to leave the floor. We left the room with nothing but the feeding tube that is in Noah's nose. It was so amazing to be able to go where ever we wanted to go. We walked down the hall and got on the elevator (thus the title of today's blog) and got off on the second floor. We walked into the CVICU to flaunt our freedom to all our former nurses and doctors. We saw several and they were so thrilled to see Noah out and about. As we left the CV area and made our way down the hall we ran into our hero, Dr. Hanley. We were so excited to see him. I saw him and said, "Oh Noah, there is Dr. Hanley". Noah got a big grin on his face and Dr. Hanley shook Noah's hand. It was so wonderful. We stood there for a little while and discussed the possibility of transferring us closer to home. It is still not a done deal but a least they are talking about it. After the discussion I politely asked Dr. Hanley if I could take another picture of he and Noah together since Noah was doing so well now. He agreed and so thus another wonderful picture for Noah's scrap book. Okay everyone, you can wipe your eyes now. I know, I need to wipe mine right now too.
Noah and I then took the elevator to the first floor to walk in this lovely patio/flower garden area. It has a nice fountain and lots of pretty flowers. It was so nice to be back outside again with Noah. We then made our way back to elevators again and went down to, "G", as Noah puts it . It is where the cafeteria is located. I told Noah he could get whatever he wanted to eat. He decided he wanted some grapes. We paid for our food and went out on the patio area to eat them. Again, it was so nice to just be sitting outside and enjoying the weather. I could tell he was starting to get tired so we made our way back to the elevators and up to the third floor. We went to his room where he sat in the chair and then fell asleep in eight minutes or less.
The remainder of the day went well also. The only thing I am concerned about at this point is his temperature. He had another low grade fever tonight. I really hope it has to do with something like the weaning of his medications or something of that nature. The doctor that came by tonight said if it goes up a little more then we will need to send off some blood to have it cultured. I am fine with that because we need to stay on top of anything that seems suspicious. I would rather catch something that is a potential problem early rather than later. Please continue to pray for this aspect of recovery. I know the prayers you all are saying for us makes such a difference. I am convinced that there is no way we would have encountered Dr. Hanley today if the Lord hadn't arranged it. If we had arrived at that spot one minute later we would have never known he was even there. Thank you Lord.
That's all I have for now. I am about to drop from exhaustion so I am going to bed. Love you all!!!


Anonymous Kim said...

Look at that adorable face & awesome smile!!! Praise God!!! Progress is being made & I am soooo happy! Praying for you & missing you!!

September 2, 2011 at 10:17 AM  
Anonymous Dana Smith said...

Hello- Noah looks wonderful. I am so glad thta he was able to walk around and go outside. Just that had to lift his spirits. Will continue to pray and can't wait to see you both back in the boro.
Dana Smith

September 2, 2011 at 4:39 PM  
Anonymous Mrs. Ruth said...

It was so nice to hear Noah's voice and his funny laugh. He looks great and I am thrilled he got to go outside. I know he enjoyed the fresh air and he enjoyed walking around. I pray he will be moved closer to home soon, and that his progress will continue.He is an amazing little boy and I miss him alot. Tell Noah I said hello and I hope to see him real soon.

September 3, 2011 at 1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What wonderful news!! I know that Noah really enjoyed being able to go outside. We are still praying for the continued recovery. Take care and tell Noah that we all say "hello". the Hendrix family

September 3, 2011 at 3:48 PM  

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