Artistic Nurses, a Clean Face and the First Day of School
Please do not send me any threatening looks, letters or phone calls. I know, I know, I am WAY behind on the blog. Things are progressing well. Noah has nothing on his face at all. They have taken off the nasal cannula and the feeding tube as well as taken out all chest tubes and the IV line out of his neck. Everything he has left is on his left arm so it has really made it much easier to get out of bed, walk around a little and sit in a real chair. He is looking so good and has almost no pain in his incision site. The only issue we are trying to fight right now is nausea and vomiting. He has been doing this for at least three days and is not able to eat or drink anything. He is getting nutrients from something called TPN and Lipids (basically electrolytes and fats). He receives this through his IV. They did an echo today of his stomach and are running some blood tests to see if the issue is something other than just getting his stomach and intestines running properly. I will let you know when I find out something. They also did some blood work in association with his immune system and it looks like all of that is good.
He seems to be more like himself today. He is smiling and laughing a little. He is also being a little more verbal than he has in two to three weeks. He told me today that he is wants to go home. I told him I was ready to go home too. He is doing very well and I know it is because so many of you are praying for him. Thank you so much.
I am including many pictures for you all to see. Many show Noah with different drawings on his chest covering. I have challenges some of the nurses to compete with each other to see what kind of drawings they can do for us. Miss Lindsey did a great job with her rocket ship (on a previous post) as well as the elephant and rabbit.
Lastly, I want to include a picture of Madison and Olivia from their first day of school. I am sad I was not there in person but it is good to see their beautiful faces. I love them and am so proud of them. They are really stepping up and taking care of things despite what is going on in our family. I know the Lord is using them right where they are at this moment. Thanks everyone and blessings to you all!!!
Noah is looking sooo good! Praying daily for all of you! Miss you!
Noah is looking awesome. Thanks for doing such an wonderful job of updating - it lets me know how to pray for all of you. Can't wait until you come home!!! Dana
It warmed my heart to see your sweet little Noah looking so much better and to read encouraging reports. I continue to pray for Noah and your family and I know God will bring you safely home. I cannot wait until your post the picture of Noah with all his friends back home at Trinity.
May the peace of the Lord be with you all,
Effie (Andrew's grandmother)
What a wonderful update. Noah looks really good! We will pray that the nausea and vomiting cease. Please tell him that Alan says "hello". the Hendrix family
Noah really looks great in all the pictures. I know he was happy to get all of the tubes removed. He looks so handsome in the last picture,more like himself. I pray that his nausea and vomiting stop soon, and that he will be able to eat and drink. Tell him hello and we all LOVE AND MISS HIM.
Lookin' GOOD Noah!!! We continue to pray for you! Have your dad draw you a F-16 on your bandage......hehe! I have a bag of Oreos waiting for you when you get home. Love, Uncle Clay, Aunt Stacey, Zach & Nick
You look great Noah!! We are so proud of you!!
The Kuplast Family
i love the pics! so glad we got to visit today!
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