This has been a very difficult day. It is 2:20am and I am finally back at the Ronald McDonald House. They took Noah into surgery about 9:30pm. All he could say is, "I want water". It breaks my heart to have to tell him he can't have any. After I had to let him go I went back to our room to gather up all of our stuff, put it in a wagon and take it back down stairs to the CVICU. I was then able to take a little nap while I waited. The doctor, (not Dr. Hanley), called and told me to meet him downstairs. I went downstairs to Noah's room to drop a few more bags off and they told me to meet the doctor in the waiting area. He told me they went in and cleaned out the area. They then consulted Dr. Hanley, who was in a different location, and he said he felt it necessary to leave the incision open so they could continue to clean out the infection on a daily basis. What does this mean for Noah? Well, it means that he will have to stay sedated for a period of time until they feel like it is safe to close him back up. Again, I have no idea exactly how long this will take. He indicated a week or two. Through this process I have learned not to even think about dealing with things in specific times. No one really knows so we will just take it one moment at a time
I have to share something neat that the Lord gave me tonight. As I waited to go in to see Noah I started to feel very anxious. I began to pray. I started with Noah and went down my list of children that I have met at the hospital. There are so many that have such difficult lives and are dealing with all types of illnesses. As I prayed, in the faint distance I could hear someone whistling. It got louder and louder. I began to recognize the tune and I realized it was one of they hymns we sing at church. It was, "Come Thy Fount of Every Blessing". I thought to myself, "Here I am in a waiting area, in a hospital, at one o'clock in the morning, all by myself and here comes a male nurse whistling a song of comfort for me". Only God can arrange something like that. Only He knew what I needed right at that very moment. I know I am not alone. He is right here beside me, and Noah, and Adam, Madison and Olivia. I praise God that I don't have to do this by myself.
I am including verse one of this great hymn:
Come Thou Fount of every blessing Tune my heart to sing Thy grace; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above. Praise the mount! I'm fixed upon it, Mount of God's unchanging love.
***I am also including a photo of Noah getting ready to go to surgery***
I am so sorry Noah has had this set back. Your sweet little boy has been through so much! I pray this will be his final surgery and that he will heal and be strong. Robin, you, Noah and your family are in my daily prayers and thoughts.
May God bless and comfort you all,
Effie (Andrew's Grandmother)
We are praying so hard for Noah. We will pray that this surgery will be his final one; that the infection will go away. Take care and give Noah a BIG hug for us and tell him that we are thinking and praying about him nonstop! the Hendrix family
Robin.... I am praying hard and still thinking about you guys daily. I really had hoped he would have turned the corner to beat this infection already! Hopefully this surgery will be the final one and soon he will be infection free. I love the story about the whistling male nurse. Love that God gave you that comfort even at 1am in a hospital waiting room!!! One day you will all be home as a family of 5 again and this will be a distant memory. One day you will scroll back through this blog and be reminded of what you guys went through with God. The strength you get through these situations HAS to be from all the answered prayers, there is just really no other explanation. Hugs......
I saw Adam and the girls tonight at Office Max. They looked great and the girls were happy looking at school supplies. I know they miss you and Noah though. I so wish I could come and sit with you and hold your hand through all this. You are the best mom I know. Know my prayers are with you. Carol
You are on my heart. PRAYING
I am so sorry about this. I know that you are so tired and discouraged. I am praying that God will send renewed strength and lift your spirits even as he brings healing to Noah's body. What a celebration it will be when you and your family are back together and able to return to a "normal" lifestyle....whatever that is?! Praying this time of sedation will allow you some time of rest that you so desperately need. We love you and continue to lift you all up to our Father who is holding you in the palm of His hand. Susan Allen
Hang in there Robin! Your strength is an inspiration to us all. Noah is in good hands and they will get this infection cleared up. Our prayers are with you always. The Kuplast family.
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