Uncle Scott Comes to town
Well, where do I start? I know you all are wondering what has been g
The infection in his chest incision is slowly improving. The poor boy just gets so alarmed when he sees certain physicians enter the room because he knows what is coming next. They have also given him a special pump for his pain medication so that he can push a button on his own when he is experiencing pain. He received that yesterday morning and it has worked out much better. This is allowing his pain to be more in control than it has been in the past.
We had a nice surprise yesterday. Uncle Scott (Adam's older brother) came for a visit. His job brought him into San Francisco so he drove over to see us at the hospital. We were blessed to see a familiar face and we had a great visit. Uncle Scott was also able to visit us again today (Monday). We had fun playing Go Fish and I (Robin) was able to get away from the hospital for a while. Thanks Uncle Scott for the dinner, especially the pie.
I had a chance to talk with Adam, Madison and Olivia today. I really miss them and can't wait to see them again. Please continue to pray for our family. It is difficult to be separated. Noah told me again that he is ready to go home. Please pray that he heals quickly so that it will be possible to travel home sometime soon. Thank you for your continued prayers. Blessings to you all!!!
I am including a picture of Noah and Uncle Scott as well as a picture in tribute to Adam & the girls
Hi,Robin and Noah.I was glad to hear that you had a family member come see you.I know it is hard being so far away and seperated from your family. I pray that things will settle down and that you and Noah can come home soon. Noah,you really look so cute in your hospital pajamas. I will keep praying for you. Take care and remember we all love you and miss you.
Robin, Adam, and Noah
We are friends of Scott and Cynthia. We adopted a precious little girl from China in 2008 and she is now 3yrs old. We also have a son that has special needs and has had over a dozen surgeries. Your story has touched our family and we want you to know we are praying for all of you.
Gary and Sonya Douglas
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