Journey to China

This blog documents the Spitlers' progress towards the adoption of Xia Ping He (Noah Spitler) from the PR China. It also documents Noah's medical process in pursuit of a total repair to his CHD (congenital heart defect).

Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Great Surprise!

Hi Everyone!

Yes, it's me (Adam) again - and guess what? I'm in California again! The girls and I decided (with some coaxing from our friends, the Lietzau's) to fly out and surprise Robin and Noah with a short visit! Although at one point I thought Robin had figured out our scheme, when we knocked on Noah's door - the priceless look on Robin's face left no doubt - she was genuinely surprised!

I'm sure all of you have marveled (with me) at how much Robin has withstood during the past 5 weeks...and how well she's done it. She really deserved "something good" and having her whole family together was as she told me, "the best gift you've ever given me." I will try to post some pictures to show her joy.

Noah was not as sedated today as I expected. Yes, the open chest status is a bit overwhelming visually - something Madison and Olivia couldn't handle more than a minute or two. Of course, with us all here, Noah wanted to sit up in bed (not allowed) and talk (unable with the breathing tube). He continues to have some pain (all over) and is very thirsty.

I'm not sure how much he understands we are all here (or not). We visited for 30 minutes, then went to a very late lunch. While we were gone, Noah's nurse asked him if he remembered his sisters and Dad were here and she said he looked surprised. So he may or not be remembering things between sedated sleep periods.

It is truly a joyous feeling to have all five of us "in the same zip code" for the first time in 5 weeks. Because it's been an incredibly long day (for all of us), I will conclude this post and again, thank all of you for your prayers, your kind words, gifts, and letters. We are exhausted but happy. A friend reminded me of the verses that follow - truly the only thing getting us through this long ordeal. Adam

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. (Isa 40:28-29)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adam & Robin, It warms my heart to know that your family is together, even if just for a few days. At Open House last night, the entire 1st grade class was praying for Noah. We all miss him, and are praying for healing and comfort. God bless you all.
Emily, James and Andrew

August 12, 2011 at 8:53 AM  
Blogger Sled Dawgs said...

I am so glad that you all are all together. I know this has been a long road and we continually pray that you will know how many are thinking of you and that you will FEEL God's presence. Thanks for the updates and pictures.

August 12, 2011 at 9:31 AM  
Anonymous Dana Smith said...

Just read post and my heart is warmed. I was at a prayer group this morning and we prayed for Noah, but also for Robin - that the Lord would give her encouragment and continue to strenghten her - little did I know He had already answered that prayer. Will continue praying for all of you. Dana

August 12, 2011 at 1:05 PM  
Blogger Brandee said...

SO great to see you all together. Praying for a good time together and strength for Noah to fight this infection...

August 12, 2011 at 3:11 PM  
Anonymous Carol said...

This post makes me so happy! I haven't cried since I read the first post ealy one morning after his first surgery! Well the tears are coming now! Thankful to God for such an awesome family. Many prayers will continue for you! God is so good even in the midst of such difficult circumstances. Continue to lean on Him!

August 13, 2011 at 11:22 AM  

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