Hi Everyone,
It was another long day, and I just couldn't think of a good title for today's blog, so I went with a date.
We are certainly Blessed by God and grateful to be out here at LPCH (Lucille Packard Children's Hospital), but exhaustion is starting to become "normal" for all three of us. We read every comment that is posted on the blog and appreciate your prayers for Robin and me - for strength - because we often feel pushed to the limit. It is also humbling to hear that "friends of friends" and "church members of family members" (basically people that we've never met) are following the blog and praying for us. "Thanks greatly" seems too little to say. Perhaps "GOD BLESS YOU for caring for us" is more appropriate. As an encouragement to you (not necessarily for us), I'll mention James 1:27:
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress..."So may God richly bless you for your concern, support, and prayers for Noah (who was formerly an orphan). For God's glory and to advance His kingdom--
Noah had another "brave boy" day. He got 5 hours of sleep overnight, then after his chest x-ray, I coaxed him into another hour of sleep- believe it or not, by singing to him. (Some of you won't believe that, but hey, we're quite desperate to make him sleep!) After a brief breakfast of eggs and bacon (easy on the bacon this time, mind you), the surgeon came by and did another "mini-surgery" on Noah's infected chest wound (see previous post). Rather traumatic on Noah, unfortunately, but I think I heard him say things looked a little bit better.
Noah also got morning and afternoon visits from the ID (infectious disease) doctors. They are responsible for Noah's battle against Staph. They said his blood has been "negative" for cultures, but some other indicators still show an infection, so they added a
second antibiotic to his daily regimen. For those of you (and me) who hate blood draws - Noah has to get one
every day. In fact, that was why he only slept 5 hours last night - the lab tech showed up at 6am for his daily blood draw. What a way to start off the day, huh?
We took two walks today. Noah didn't like that one bit...complaining of exhaustion and sore legs. He ate a really great lunch of grilled cheese sandwich, french fries, and orange slices; probably twice as much as before. Unfortunately, he still has stomach pain and loses some of his stomach every 2-3 hours. Tonight he had pizza, green beans, and some yogurt. Oh, and we did get 4 more Oreos down and a chocolate milkshake mix. So caloric intake was a big win today!
On the difficult side (sorry- another "roller coaster ride"); Noah's left arm IV - just installed yesterday - became useless and had to be removed; so now he has one back in the right arm. Then, after telling us, "My lips and tongue hurt," Robin discovered that he has 5 canker sores on his lower lip and several on his tongue! (antibiotics, perhaps?) And this afternoon, his chest wound had to be cleaned and re-packed a second time. (I'll leave out the details, but to say it requires morphine).
If you know our little Noah, you know that he's a tough little kid, but I'm sure you (like us) have an even greater pride in bravery of these stories. He is really enduring a tough time, so thanks, once again, for your prayers for him.
Robin is doing fabulous, though if I let her proof this posting, she'll make me remove that (because she denies it). I am so proud of her - she is getting little sleep, she is engaged with Noah and the nurses all day long, and she's watching out for me. Those of you who know her are not surprised, but you would be impressed yet again to see her "in action" out here. In the world of fighter pilots, she would have the callsign "Mom Zero-One" (for #1 Mom). Go Robin!
Love and thanks to you all,