Journey to China

This blog documents the Spitlers' progress towards the adoption of Xia Ping He (Noah Spitler) from the PR China. It also documents Noah's medical process in pursuit of a total repair to his CHD (congenital heart defect).

Saturday, August 7, 2010

This Past Week

Hello everyone,
Sorry for the long delay in posting. This by far has been the most difficult week of my life. I think I have hit every emotion under the sun. I am sure most of it stems from the awful jet lag I have been experiencing. Everyone in the house has slowly adjusted to life back in the states except me. I have only slept one night all the way through and it has taken a toll on me emotionally and physically. I hate to dump the bad stuff right off but it helps me to get rid of some of my frustrations. I must say I have the BEST husband in the world. He has taken up a lot of slack for me. He has been the one to get up very early every morning with the kids when they have woken up at 2:30, 3, and 4 o'clock. There were times I just couldn't seem to function. I was great in China but once I hit the states it threw me for a loop. To all of you who have been praying, it has been much needed and felt. I don't think I would feel as good as I do right now if there weren't people praying. I think if I can get one more good night sleep it will make a world of difference.
Now, onto what you all really want to know and see. Noah is doing pretty well. He seems to be fine during all times of the day except nap time and time to sleep for the night. We have discovered if our dog Annie sleeps with him he doesn't cry at all. If Annie leaves the room and he wakes up he then begins to cry out for either the foster family or me. I still think that is something we will be dealing with for a while. He is eating well and likes most of the food we have been giving him. He especially gobbled up the Creamy Chicken Casserole that the Gawthrop family provided for us. Thanks Jen and Greg!!! I also want to say a big thanks to the many families in our neighborhood that have provided some very yummy food: The Riner family, the McCracken family, The Mitchell family, The Forbes family and also the Liggett family for the yogurt drinks. Noah loves those yogurt drinks! I also want to say thanks to all of these families for the gifts they have provided which include The Kauber family. Last, but not least, my Mother-in-Law Rita, who stocked the fridge and made lots of food for us so we would be prepared when we arrived home. All of you have made a difference in our coming home. I definitely was not ready to do any cooking when I got home. I am sure I have probably missed someone. If I have please accept my apology. My brain is not working so great these days.
On Wed. I took Noah to the Pediatrician. He had to have three shots and a general check up. It went well and he did fine. I also took him to have a chest xray that is required by the Ped. Cardiologist. That went well also. I was able to take my friend Ting, who is from China, to help interpret to Noah what was happening. I then took Noah and Ting out to lunch at Chic-fil-a. It was his first trip to one our favorite restaurants. He loved it of course.
Yesterday, Friday, Adam took Noah flying. He really likes to fly and is very excited to talk about airplanes. It must be in his blood too :) This, I am sure, makes his Dad proud.
Again, we go to the Ped. Cardiologist next Wed. I will let you all know afterward what happens there. So much of his heart stuff is unknown so it will be news to all of us. Please continue to keep us in your prayers for his health and continued adjustment with our family. I know that the Lord is watching over us and He will get us through all that is going on in our lives. Thanks to everyone. We couldn't go through all of this without you all. God's blessings, Robin


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