Journey to China

This blog documents the Spitlers' progress towards the adoption of Xia Ping He (Noah Spitler) from the PR China. It also documents Noah's medical process in pursuit of a total repair to his CHD (congenital heart defect).

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Last Night in GZ

We have had a good day. We were able to get up and have breakfast whenever we wanted to this morning. It was nice just to go with the flow. We spent some time doing a little shopping and picking up a few things here and there. Again, Guangzhou is very beautiful so it is fun to walk around and just enjoy the trees and flowers.
The girls, Noah and I went with some friends across the bridge to the market area to see some animals. Our friends had seen the animal/pet area before and wanted to return so we tagged along with them. It was quite an experience I must say. The smells were not too pleasant and the food they were selling was not exactly the same as in the US. We saw all kinds of dried animal parts such as snakes and lizards plus many things from the sea. I am including some photos from our trip for you to enjoy.
We then went to the swimming pool for a while and had some fun. After finishing at the pool we had to meet Jason in the play room to receive Noah's passport and the infamous brown envelope. We have to give the brown envelope to customs/immigration at our port of entry in America (Chicago). Once we have made it through this point Pinghe will be an official US citizen. Yeah!!! We are really looking forward to returning home. We have enjoyed many parts of our trip but are ready to get back home.
Tonight we went to eat at Lucy's for the last time. It was fun and Pinghe is continuing to do well. On the last note, when he went to bed tonight he cried a little and called out, "Mama", over and over again. I let him cry for a few minutes and then went into the room and told him, "I love you, good night and I am not coming into the room again", and when I left I did not hear one more sound. He went right to sleep. Yeah (again)!!! I think all he needed to know was that I was here for him and I love him. I am so proud of him. We love you all and are very appreciative of the prayers. We couldn't have survived this trip without the prayers and the hand of the Father on it. God's blessings, Robin
PS-I am also including a picture of all of my children playing their DS game. It sure doesn't take a child long to learn how to use one of those things no matter what country you are from or what language you speak.


Blogger Almost A Pollyanna said...

I love the DS picture! :o)
We can't wait to see ya'll and meet Noah!!!

July 30, 2010 at 8:10 AM  

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