Journey to China

This blog documents the Spitlers' progress towards the adoption of Xia Ping He (Noah Spitler) from the PR China. It also documents Noah's medical process in pursuit of a total repair to his CHD (congenital heart defect).

Friday, March 22, 2024

Healthy and Back Home

 Dear Friends,

Just to ensure we didn't "leave you hanging" - we DID successfully conclude our trip to California, arriving back into Savannah on Sunday, March 17.  Noah's health continued to improve and he returned to school at Georgia Southern the following day.  He has a follow up scheduled with his Savannah cardiologist who will continue to manage his health on an annual basis.  We are hopeful that he won't need another repair for several years and we are so grateful for your prayers.  It is very clear that God blessed our trip to California, as things went extraordinarily smoothly.  Glory to God!

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Healthy Noah (Discharged!)

 More great news today, friends, as Noah’s echocardiogram came back “good” and he was able to leave the hospital! We are back at the Ronald McDonald House at Stanford and Noah’s resting after a big lunch. 

Thank you all for your prayers and for the Lord’s gracious favor on Noah. We lack the words to sufficiently appreciate the staff at LPCH and Dr. McElhinney’s team - all super professional and talented! It was bittersweet to leave the hospital, but Noah never looked back. 

Noah was told to watch for some pain in the chest and his legs where the catheters were inserted, but nothing a little Tylenol wouldn’t manage. He was given a few restrictions on exertion but told to expect an energy boost to be apparent in a week- now that the blood flow to his lungs is no longer restricted. 

Praise God from Whom all blessing flow!

Adam & Robin

Ps. From the photo above you can see the sedation wore off and Noah quickly returned  to “harassing” his Mom. 😏

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Thanking God for Great News

 Noah’s surgery went very well, according to Dr. McElhinney. They did insert a Melody TPV (valve) and everything looked good, including the shunt that Dr. Hanley installed/fabricated back in 2011. 

Noah is in a normal room now and slowly waking up. All of his care has been fabulous. 

Noah will spend the night here, get an Xray and another echocardiogram, then probably leave the hospital tomorrow. 

We are humbled by all the notes and messages (and balloons!) from friends and family, knowing so many of you were praying. It’s very clear that God blessed this day by making things go “right down the line”. We are very grateful for God’s generous help!

Noah in Surgery for New PA Valve

 Thanks for praying, friends!

Update: The morning went well and actually started earlier than planned (the surgery team asked us to come 2 hours earlier than planned), but then there was a patient that needed to jump in front of Noah, so around 1115am PT he got some “sleepy juice” and they wheeled him back for the procedure. 

We got to meet Dr. Doff McElhinney and more of his staff- all impressive people; what an amazing team of God-gifted people out here. 

The procedure is expected to last 2-3 hours. Thank you again for praying and for loving Noah!

Monday, March 11, 2024

Work Up Day at Stanford!

 Thanks for all your prayers! God has really blessed this trip and Noah (who feels great)!

We traveled to SFO on Saturday with an uneventful day. We met up with some super friends from earlier days (I called nobody “old”, ha ha), who spent Sunday showing us Santa Cruz, surfing, and California BBQ. It was a great day of rest and fellowship. To top it off, we were offered a room at the Ronald McDonald House at Stanford, which was a real blessing (and where Robin spent 80+ nights back in 2011). If you ever get a chance to toss some loose change into the donation bucket at a McDonalds- it’s a valid place to give!

This morning (Monday), we checked in at LPCH (Lucille Packard Children’s Hospital), and Noah got lab work done, an EKG, an echocardiogram, and a briefing from the anesthesia and catheterization teams. What an amazing group of professionals- they answered all our questions and told Noah what to expect. Amazingly- the sonographer who saw Noah today was the SAME LADY who did his echo back in 2011! I was able to show her the picture of her and Noah - which she found only slightly interesting. (Ha ha). 

So- everything checked out fine and Noah is scheduled for the TPV (Tanscatheter Pulmonary Valve) insertion tomorrow at 9am Pacific Time (noon on the East Coast). The procedure should last 2-3 hours and Robin and I will post an update as soon as we can.

This afternoon we filled the time with Mediterranean food, a trip to the Golden Gate Bridge, and a drive up and down Lombard Street. 

Noah can’t have anything to eat after midnight tonight so I picked up his favorite - bacon and eggs, which I’ll cook him for a late “second dinner” before bedtime. 

Thanks again for your prayers. God has great plans for Noah. May He also bless many of you who follow along and are praying for him!
