Back to San Francisco!
Hi Everyone,
I know it's been 9 months since our last blog, so if you don't happen to live near us (and receive periodic updates), here is a brief word on Noah's health. Noah is doing very well. Since his return from California last September, Noah's grown about 1+1/4 inches, added about 10 lbs., and has experienced very, very few respiratory illnesses (unlike before his repair, when he had a cough or cold every 6-8 weeks). His teeth have done a lot of catching up - he's currently missing some or all of 7 teeth - either having fallen out or needing to have been pulled. His energy level is very normal for an 8 year old, which means he does a lot of running around the house and throwing himself on the floor. He loves to ride bikes and play any sort of video or computer game. We'll try to post some pictures soon.
The reason for this posting is to let you know we'll be returning to San Francisco later this week.
Dr. Hanley asked that Noah return to LPCH for a one year follow-up heart cath, which is scheduled for Friday. Other than the normal risks associated with a heart cath, we don't have any known concerns for Noah, other than a slight increase in his "right side" heart blood pressure (going to the lungs). I'm sure the heart cath will determine the cause of this.
We'll try to post the pictures and updates later this week. Thanks for your prayers!
Adam and Robin