Journey to China

This blog documents the Spitlers' progress towards the adoption of Xia Ping He (Noah Spitler) from the PR China. It also documents Noah's medical process in pursuit of a total repair to his CHD (congenital heart defect).

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bad Turn - Please Pray for Noah


I'm sad to report that only a few hours after Robin posted the "Noah's doing great" status, his breathing became very laborious. Robin noticed that he was sweating and was straining to breathe and pointed this out to the CVICU doctor. Apparently, Noah's heart rate got rather high as well (>180).

He is now on a mask (not nasal cannula) and is being given Albuterol, an asthma treatment. He is also on something to calm him down and allow sleep. His heart rate is back in a normal range.

Robin said that an emergency X-ray was taken and compared to 10 hours earlier - there is a significant change to his right lung.

Please pray for Noah's breathing and for him to be calm. Please also pray that Noah and Robin will both get some good rest tonight.

Thank you all for your support and prayers. Thank God for helping Noah and Robin through a tough day today. Psalm 121 says "He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep."



Anonymous Carol said...


July 19, 2011 at 1:49 PM  
Anonymous Mrs.Ruth said...

Robin I will say a special prayer for sweet Noah to get some rest and that his lung will heal so he can breathe better.He really looks good and he looks like he is dealing with things remarkably well. Sending all my love to him and a special hug. Tell him all his friends are praying for him. We will continue to pray for you and Adam as well. Take care.

July 19, 2011 at 5:05 PM  
Blogger Keith Pond said...

Praising God that he will not leave you nor forsake you during these days and asking him to bring healing and health to your son!

July 19, 2011 at 8:51 PM  

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