Journey to China

This blog documents the Spitlers' progress towards the adoption of Xia Ping He (Noah Spitler) from the PR China. It also documents Noah's medical process in pursuit of a total repair to his CHD (congenital heart defect).

Monday, June 21, 2010

First day of summer... still waiting...

Hello everyone! Today is the "official" First Day of Summer (according to my calendar). I took some extra time this morning to sit on my back deck and enjoy the birds singing. I also loved the slight breeze and being able to see all that the Lord created for us. He is so amazing and loving. I cannot get over the fact that He died for me. I don't feel that worthy but I am glad He did.
I must admit that this past week and weekend was very difficult for us in some ways. We are so ready to go to China and get Noah. For those of you that have been where we are you fully understand the feeling of not being able to love and take care of your own child. The fact that so much of this is out of our hands and in the hands of the government does make it difficult. When I start thinking about that I then realize, it isn't in man's hands but in the hands of the one who created ALL things. This gives me peace when I start to feel anxious. I also feel so much better knowing that all of you are praying for us. Thanks so much.
We are still in wait for our TA. We really thought it would come last week but they had a three day holiday (The Dragon Boat Festival). This set us back a week so we are really praying that it will come this week. We then have to hurdle through and hope the CA's (Consulate Appointments) are not as booked up as we have been hearing. ***Prayer Alert*** I just thought I would add that to the list. As soon as we know something we will let you all know. Thanks for keeping up with us and our process. To be continued...


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