Journey to China

This blog documents the Spitlers' progress towards the adoption of Xia Ping He (Noah Spitler) from the PR China. It also documents Noah's medical process in pursuit of a total repair to his CHD (congenital heart defect).

Monday, August 1, 2011

Slowly Improving

Noah has had a pretty good day so far. He spent an hour or two sitting up in a chair. That is a great milestone. He also ate a good breakfast. When I arrived I had a bowl that included some cheese, pepperoni, crackers, a fruit snack and two small pickles. Sounds gross for morning time but obviously not to him. He ate both pickles, the cheese and most of the pepperoni. He is still having some issues with pain but not nearly as bad as yesterday. Right now he is completely wiped out and taking a nap. For those of you who really know him this is a big deal. He hates naps so he is really tired. At this point we are staying in CVICU at least until tomorrow. He still has his chest tube in and have not been informed of when it will be removed but I am guessing sometime soon. His last positive blood culture was on the 26th so that is good news. He will still have to be on antibiotics for six weeks afterward but at least we have a starting date right now. We are baby stepp'in through all of this but we are getting there none-the-less. We had a super nurse today named Aly. She had to transfer to another patient earlier so we had to take a quick snap shot of she and Noah together. This is sweet Aly in our picture for the day. Thanks for the prayers everyone!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good news! Throughout our daily activities we are always wondering how you all are doing (especially Noah.) Please let us know if you need anything mailed to you! Love, Clay, Stacey, Zach & Nick

August 1, 2011 at 5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so happy to hear how well Noah is doing! Andrew spent the day with Nathan today, and they both can't wait to see their buddy in 1st grade. High 5's from Andrew, huggs from me. Prayers from everyone for the whole famiy.
-Emily & Andrew

August 1, 2011 at 7:51 PM  
Blogger Sled Dawgs said...

Noah looks so sweet in that picture. What a brave tough little guy. Still praying!!!

August 1, 2011 at 10:27 PM  
Anonymous Mrs.Ruth said...

Gandlad to hear the good news about Noah. It sounds like his appetite is getting better and Iwas glad to hear he got to sit for awhile.He looks good and I am happy to see that he has not lost his sweet loving smile.Tell him we all miss him and are thinking of him everyday,and can not wait to have him well and back home. Love and kisses to my precious little Noah.

August 2, 2011 at 1:04 PM  

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