Good News: Out of Surgery
Hi Everyone,
Robin just called to say Noah is recovering in the CVICU (cardiovascular intensive care unit). The 3 hour surgery was a success, removing fluid around the heart and installing a chest tube (to drain future liquid). Noah also had a central line (IV in the neck) put in, but does not have a breathing tube (a good thing). He is awake but experiencing some pain, so a pain medicine was given. Robin said he had already eaten two Popsicles by the time she got there.
I know many of you were watching for info, so this is brief; perhaps Robin will post again later. I encouraged her to get some rest as soon as Noah was back asleep. She has had a very long day.
Thanks for your continued prayers for us all. Praise God for the skill, knowledge, and leadership that allows Dr. Hanley and his team to heal our Noah. For God's glory-
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Thanks to God, we are glad he is doing good. We will pray for fast healing. God is good . Wondemu's family
We are happy to hear Noah is out of surgery and recovering! We will continue to pray! Love, Clay, Stacey, Zach & Nick
Thank you for the update Adam. Linus,Kimberly, Stephanie and Cassie continue to pray for Noah and Robin!
I was glad to hear that our sweet little Noah had a good outcome from his surgery. God will heal him and make things better for you all. Stay strong and I will continue to pray for you all. Noah looks great in the pics you have posted. Tell him hello for me and to keep being the brave little fighter he is. He is loved so much and we all will be glad when he can get home. I know you will be glad too. Take care.
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