Journey to China

This blog documents the Spitlers' progress towards the adoption of Xia Ping He (Noah Spitler) from the PR China. It also documents Noah's medical process in pursuit of a total repair to his CHD (congenital heart defect).

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Waiting on LID

We are spending time getting everyone's room changed and rearranged. Things are kind of a mess but we will get it all organized eventually. This is much like getting ready for a new baby to be born. It is very fun and exciting. The latest on our paperwork: Our Dossier is in China and we are waiting on our LID (Log In Date). Basically, this means that our Dossier is logged in at the CCAA (Chinese Children Adoption Agency). We have been told that it should take about a week. When we receive notice of our LID the average waiting time for travel is three to five months. We would really love for it to happen sooner than later but we are praying about it and leaving it in the Lord's hands. We ask that you all continue to pray for us about the rest of our adoption process. Sometimes it is hard to be patient.
We will be adding some more information about the history of our adoption story in the near future. Thanks for the prayers everyone :)


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