11am Update and Meet with Dr. Hanley
We just met with Dr. Hanley, who stopped by the parent waiting room to see us before going into surgery. What an impressive man to meet! He discussed the 2 options and what the chances were for each- full unifocalization repair (60%), or the "staged repair" in which a portion of the repair would be accomplished, followed 6-24 months later by another one. The goal is to get blood flowing in a "normal" direction and thereby oxygenate his blood to 100%. Even if the staged repair is done, Dr. Hanley said his SPO2 would increase to the 80s. Today his reading was 69.
Dr. Hanley calls this his "long surgery," and said he'd probably return to update us around 4-5:00pm PDT. Until then, Robin and I will probably go for a walk and try to think about something else.
We have some good news! The Ronald McDonald House (which has had no vacancy since our arrival) just called to say we have a room. We stayed twice in the RMH in Atlanta/Emory and it was a huge blessing. The House is only blocks away from the hospital, and also provides a place to eat meals and get exercise. The cost is offset by donations. If you've never dropped some loose change into the box at your local McDondald's; we encourage you to consider it - a valid charity!
LPCH (Standford Univ Hospital) is such a well-organized hospital. The facility is very well thought-out and it's clear that everyone here is "the best" at what they do. We just got briefed from the head of their hospitality section, who told us about sleep rooms, the chapel, the laundry and gift shop, etc. He mentioned a link you might find interesting. You can go on this website and create a greeting card for Noah. When you submit it, the staff here prints it out and delivers it to Noah!

Thanks for following. Thanks for your prayers. We'll update more in a few hours. God Bless you for caring about Noah.
Adam (& Robin)
PS-Above is a picture of Noah getting his pre-surgery haircut.
Dr. Hanley calls this his "long surgery," and said he'd probably return to update us around 4-5:00pm PDT. Until then, Robin and I will probably go for a walk and try to think about something else.
We have some good news! The Ronald McDonald House (which has had no vacancy since our arrival) just called to say we have a room. We stayed twice in the RMH in Atlanta/Emory and it was a huge blessing. The House is only blocks away from the hospital, and also provides a place to eat meals and get exercise. The cost is offset by donations. If you've never dropped some loose change into the box at your local McDondald's; we encourage you to consider it - a valid charity!
LPCH (Standford Univ Hospital) is such a well-organized hospital. The facility is very well thought-out and it's clear that everyone here is "the best" at what they do. We just got briefed from the head of their hospitality section, who told us about sleep rooms, the chapel, the laundry and gift shop, etc. He mentioned a link you might find interesting. You can go on this website and create a greeting card for Noah. When you submit it, the staff here prints it out and delivers it to Noah!
Thanks for following. Thanks for your prayers. We'll update more in a few hours. God Bless you for caring about Noah.
Adam (& Robin)
PS-Above is a picture of Noah getting his pre-surgery haircut.
Thinking of you guys & praying!
Eager for some news. I want to give Robin a hug! Love her so much! Know that we are praying! Gwen sent out an e-mail today to all the preschool teachers and it came from Susan so many are lifting your son up in prayer! Love you all so much!
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